
$10.63 / pound Raspberries - January 2021 - Saskatoon, Sk

Maybe ironic that minimum wage in Saskatchewan is $10.95 / hour, at the same time nearly spoiled raspberries are $10.63 / pound.  I would imagine that the first emotional response people have is to ask the government to “increase the minimum wage” because it’s “not a living wage”.  In reality, its always the government that causes these problems.  Maybe, just maybe, it has a little something to do with things like fuel tax, sales tax, licenses, permits, tarrifs, duties, cabon tax, and massive government money printing.  There is only 1 thing for certain today: food prices are already out of reach for most people (especially real food), and it is going to get further and further out of reach, almost by the day.  Fake food is still relatively affordable, because its fake.  You know, 90% of the “food” in the stores.