Overview of Arkopia
Arkopia's Greenhouse
Food Prices Skyrocketing
“The average Canadian family will pay up to an extra $695 for food in 2021. This is the highest increase that we’ve ever expected.” ... global news
Why freeze dried pure fruit & vegetable smoothies?
Fruits and Vegetables are the most expensive and difficult food to obtain, especially in cold climates, and especially in Canada. From a preparedness perspective, the best thing you can do to stay healthy is eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. A military age male should be eating 10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. This amounts to roughly 2 – 2.5 pounds of fruit and vegetables per day (each Arkopia Smoothies is 1 Pound of Fruit). Freeze Dried Smoothies can be made in seconds, with only water and a container with a lid.
Ensuring food for young children or the elderly? You can add less water and make a pure fruit puree. From a babies first meal to someone sick who can’t eat solid food, Freeze Dried Pure Fruit and Vegetable smoothies are the most versatile preparedness food on the market. You still need your other food groups, such as fats and proteins, but those are easier and cheaper to come by.
Most Preparedness foods on the market are nearly all fillers, with a base of the meals in Rice, Oats, or Pasta. Rice, Oats, Pasta, Beans, Lintels, etc. can be purchased in bulk bags, simply stored in buckets, and are much cheaper than buying pre-packaged preparedness food. Arkopia’s Freeze Dried Smoothies are the same size and price as Canadian’s Favourite Smoothie Restaurant, only 100% Pure, Raw, Whole, Natural Fruit – The Freshest Smoothies In Canada!
Some reasons why you may feel the need to prepare!
Because we are on a fiat (faith based) currency and the financial system and population is built upon debt and the infinite printing of currency, this drives the fiat dollars down and inflates the prices of all goods and services in relation to fiat currency. We at Arkopia believe that the inevitable collapse of fiat currencies is speeding up, which means everything will seem like it is getting more expensive. Our food lasts so long, we classify it as an investment, or at the very least, some insurance against hyper-inflation. When the inevitable hyperinflation starts, our prices will reflect how much the dollar gets devalued, so STOCK UP NOW while you have the opportunity.
We live in a world based on debt. The joke is that a person is as rich as the credit they can obtain. Currently at the end of January, 2018 the US debt is over 21 Trillion Dollars, and this doesn’t even include the estimated 45 Trillion Dollars in unpaid pension promises. If interest rates rose to 10%, the amount of the entire budget of the entire US government wouldn’t even pay the interest on the debt. Global debt puts a burden of $30,000 on every man, woman, and child. The stock and bond markets are at all time record highs and growing rapidly and mimic a fragile bubble waiting to burst. The infinite printing of new money and injection into the markets (QE – Quantitative Easing) to prevent major corrections has simply kicked the can down the road so far that the final correction will be catastrophic, instead of just a necessary free market correction. The state of fractional reserve banking means for every 100 dollars the banks say they have, they only actually currently have 10 cents to $5.00 in physical cash, depending on the bank. In the 2008 prelude to the actual collapse, the banks were bailed out; the next time the banks fail there is a bail-in clause that allows deposits to be confiscated. Since the majority of the population is surviving because of credit, what happens when the credit stops?
A lot of people who prepare are concerned with increasing government tyranny. Some people are concerned with increasing taxes and regulation that make it much more expensive to live, while on the other side, people are concerned that taxpayer-funded social security benefits will be cut, making it harder to get by as well. Whether you are on the right or the left of politics, massive changes will be taking place in the near future, and it is inevitable that times will be changing. There is no sense in playing the blame-game anymore, because there is no solution to decades of unsustainable politics and an ever expanding government.
Whether you believe in global warming, global cooling, Yellowstone Volcano, Solar Flares taking out the electrical grid, or simply a long and harsh winter, it is important to make sure you have your essentials: food, water, shelter, and security.
EMP (electromagnetic pulse) taking out the electrical grid, terrorist attacks, governments going tyrannical, central banking, fractional reserve banking, pandemics, or the next world war. Never underestimate what mankind is capable of and the consequences of mankind’s actions and decisions.
Most people do not have more than a few days worth of food available to them and we are completely reliant on the fragile grid for our survival. Grocery Stores are on a last-minute delivery system and have no inventory in the back of the stores. Flooding, Drought, Solar Activity, Climate Change, Trade Wars, are all things that affect the food supply.
“We could be facing multiple famines of biblical proportions” … United Nations World Food Programme
Food is grown with massive amounts of pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, in contaminated soil, and in dead soil. Every year of farming on a mass scale, topsoil is lost and the soil is destroyed. It takes nature a full 100 years to grow 1 inch of topsoil, and we currently grow food on land with hardly any topsoil left. Food is mankind’s most valuable resource yet there seems to be little value put into the preservation of growing capabilities.
There is a reason why everyone is obese, sick, diseases spread, cancer grows, autism increases, IQs drop, use of medication increases, diabetes is skyrocketing, etc. Very few people these days are getting the nutrition they should be getting from their food. Most of the food that people consume today is fake, artificial, has no nutrients, and is killing us.
Many other “preparedness foods” on the market consist of very cheap fillers, taste terrible, provide little or no nutrition, and hope you never have to eat it. Arkopia Freeze Dried Smoothies are real food, no fillers, and one of our target markets is everyday people that want to eat healthy.
98% of the population now lives in Urban Environments. Don’t get us wrong, it’s great to have grocery stores, fast food, buses, fast-wi-fi, and everything you could possibly need at your fingertips. Unfortunately, most people rarely think of how fragile this way of life is. Self Reliance are skills of the past and even the instincts to simply get ready for the winter have been bread out of the culture. If anything interrupts this new, urban, matrix-like way of living, the people living in it are screwed.
There aren’t very many sectors in the economy that are not in bubbles or hyper-bubbles. If you have a feeling that there are no fundamentals, nothing makes sense, or are concerned with the prices of things like stocks, real estate, bitcoin, etc, you are normal and should be very concerned.
So whatever circumstances you feel the need to prepare for, we are here to help people who have the foresight to help themselves, as well as provide the best food that we can for the best prices possible for use on a daily basis.