About Arkopia
Arkopia - the first Fresh Fruit Smoothie that's shelf stable, the same nutrition as fresh, & as convenient as a protein powder!
Arkopia was officially founded in 2018 in Saskatchewan, Canada by a wife & husband team who have a passion for self sufficiency, sustainable farming, health, and food. Born, raised, and residing in Saskatchewan, Canada.
We were married in August of 2013 and since then have worked as an incredible team to build the life that we wanted. We sold our house in the city and used those resources to build a working farm with a small house, instead of a big expensive house with no land and no working farm. We both have different skill sets and abilities that work perfectly together to allow us to operate a successful and sustainable business and life. Being parents to 3 wonderful boys, Healthy Food Security was of major concern to us.
Since the purchase of bare land in 2012, we have worked tirelessly and lived as frugally as possible to build something of actual value and sustainability including fixing the soil through cover crops and heavy mulch, planting orchards and thousands of trees, and experimenting with permaculture and organic principals. We have installed infrastructure, built a state-of-the-art shop, a deep-winter greenhouse, a goat barn, a chicken barn, a pig barn, fenced natural grassland pastures with field fencing to accommodate any type of free range animals, and finally built ourselves a small passive solar house. When we say that “we built” these things, we mean it: Everything was built with with our own hands, blood, sweat, and money.
We have always tried to grow and raise as much of our own food as possible, and preserved it by canning, dehydrating, smoking, and freezing, until we learned about how much of the nutrition we were destroying using these old-school methods, and finally discovering the freeze drying process. We have been freeze drying for ourselves since 2015, 3 years prior to officially starting Arkopia, and now have a proven track record of long-lasting and high-quality food. We love the concept so much that we have invented and developed a great many products over the years, but have struggled to find a way to combine high quality with affordability. Growing the best food in the best way possible, preserving it in the best way possible, and then finally packaging it in the highest quality packaging makes it very difficult to turn into a business and provide products to consumers for prices that are affordable, especially when well over half of the sell price goes to retailers, distributors, middle men, shipping, and the government. After years of research and development and fine-tuning how to help Canadians get this high quality food, we have managed to combine high quality, affordability, and volume. We now have contacts with other great producers and suppliers around the world who help us help our customers get a higher quality product, for a significantly more affordable price, making no sacrifices to quality & quantity. We also offer wholesale pricing direct from us, with no middle men, to try and help people get healthy food as affordably as possible.
We have received NO government grants or funding for any aspect of our operation.
Having extensive experience with other businesses, real estate, home building, rental properties, land investments, stock markets, precious metals, and many other investments and projects has given us a clear overall view of the world situation based on actual experience. We recognize the value in producing an actual physical product that is second to none, consumable, healthy, shelf stable, extremely long lasting, and in the industry that subject to the most inflation year after year. We have chosen to protect ourselves, our customers, and everyone close to us with what we believe to be the best investment in volatile and changing times: Healthy Food Security.
And finally, we are now capable and very pleased to be able to provide great products to everyone who wants to consume healthy food daily, and also those who have the foresight to help themselves by storing some food for difficult times. Although our initial market was the preparedness community and outdoor enthusiasts, we are pleased to bring our shelf-stable high-end products for prices that suit the everyday person and can be enjoyed on a daily basis, just like we do. We believe that we are defining the next generation of healthy, shelf-stable, lightweight, zero-waste food products.
Our very first products that we have taken to market are Arkopia Freeze Dried Smoothies. These products are the freshest smoothies in Canada, are the same size and price as Canada’s favourite smoothie restaurant, more convenient, and higher quality. We chose fresh fruit smoothies because it is the most beneficial food to Canadians, including ourselves. The very first Freeze Dried Pure Fruit Smoothie was made in 2015, and it was so delicious, healthy, convenient, and beneficial to us that we were forced to turn it into a business so we could share it with the world.
Canadians need and deserve a better quality food and we are bringing it to them.